Friday 11 October 2019

Morning Star by Pierce Brown

 So we've come to the final book in this series...just kidding there are at least 2 more books. Morning Star opens with Darrow imprisoned and Jackal treating him like a circus showpiece. The Red that thought he could transcend his origins. I could have told Darrow for free that there was no other way for it to end. Sons of Ares executed a brilliant prison break to get Darrow,who then put everyone's life on the life to get Victra Au Juli. I liked her and she deserved a break. One year of imprisonment  and torture because Darrow underestimated Jackal.
  They get to the Sons of Ares base and of course they are discovering revolution itself is just the beginning. There's hunger and anger in the land,they are also all fugitives. At least Sevro is so happy to see him and missed him so much he's wearing Darrow's eyes. I love Bromance. Darrow is done with terrorist plans but he's aware that he owes Sevro too much to speak over him. He remains shy until its almost too late. Their love is stronger than leadership politics after they come to blows they hug it out and move on.
  They decide to get the Obsidian slave class on their side by getting the Obsidian Queen on their side. They meet up with Cassius and he almost (finally) dies but Ragnar is the one that get killed instead...and so they lose their link to the throne.They end up tearing it all to the ground as usual.Oh and they take Cassius prisoner.
  They go to The Jupiter moon Io to meet the Archgovenor Romulus after his declaration of independence from the Sovereign. Then Darrow meets Roque,former best friend turned bigot. I was so heartbroken at the end of Golden Son because how could he????Darrow plays the hell out of him and wins a deal with Romulus while getting Roque kicked out as a traitor. The Iron Golds are also supremacists but they are so disciplined and principled its hard to not admire them. Darrow and Roque's team face up in space.Darrow's team breaks through and Roque decides to kill himself.Such a honorable daft boy. My eyes were so teary.
  There's an obsidian riot quelled by Sevro and his Darrow like antics. Sevro and Julii get married, then Sevro is killed when Darrow tries to free Cassius. Spoiler time is over, a big plot twist happened after this. Go get this book its that good.

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